好明顯,他沒有考慮過能夠把一隻活動能力這樣強的 Astray 砌到如此生硬其實是很高難度的!
好明顯,他沒有考慮過能夠把一隻活動能力這樣強的 Astray 砌到如此生硬其實是很高難度的!
從香港回來後斷斷續續齋啪了這三件模型,從強人至 nu-Gundam。但這三個都不是從香港買的,它們是我存貨的部份。買了模型回家卻把它們打入冷宮,自己巴也覺敗家!趁現在無需趕 project,是時侯齋啪一下了!
Yesterday I read a news article about a proposed movie ticket price reduction on Tuesday. Indeed it did not say that the price is lowered; the proposal is to keep the admission price the same but the theatres throw in a popcorn and a drink for free. The last time I went to a Canadian movie theatre was in July, and I tried to find something to eat in there. At the end I did not buy any food from the food kiosk because there was nothing I want. It was about 2:00 in the afternoon, and I did not feel very hungry (I had lunch before.) I was looking for something light but all they served are popcorns, hotdogs, french fries, etc.; they served nothing light or healthy! Nowadays when obesity is becoming reality, what are those movie theatre owners having in mind? Just beautiful faces and perfect bodies appear on the silver screen?!
一如以往,昨日(上旬)收到十月號的 Hobby JAPAN,感覺有點感慨。要知這期 HJ 我在香港臨走前從朋友手中看過一次,輾轉差不多三星期後重拾此書,又回想當時情景,只覺人事幻變。好在當時大家能夠盡興,總算沒有辜負那次機會!
Some EU politicians want to ban the Canadian seal products because they think the seal hunt is brutal. I wonder what they will say if the seals are captured in open space and slaughtered in a private factory building. In this way, the seal hunting business simply follows the practice of the fishing industry. Namely do the killing later at your own place.
An USN A-10 Thunderbolt II supposed to return to the Nova Scotia Air Show next week but today, the Air Show cancelled its exhibition. Although this means that I won't see it this year, it is certainly a right decision. I am afraid if it came here, it would be vandalised at the end of the show. This aircraft better stays away from Nova Scotia for its own good; you are not as invincible as you think, Americans!