Yesterday I read a news article about a proposed movie ticket price reduction on Tuesday. Indeed it did not say that the price is lowered; the proposal is to keep the admission price the same but the theatres throw in a popcorn and a drink for free. The last time I went to a Canadian movie theatre was in July, and I tried to find something to eat in there. At the end I did not buy any food from the food kiosk because there was nothing I want. It was about 2:00 in the afternoon, and I did not feel very hungry (I had lunch before.) I was looking for something light but all they served are popcorns, hotdogs, french fries, etc.; they served nothing light or healthy! Nowadays when obesity is becoming reality, what are those movie theatre owners having in mind? Just beautiful faces and perfect bodies appear on the silver screen?!
is what? 你未寫完喎﹗
回覆刪除香港的影院也好不到那裡!現在連"街邊燒賣"都引入了小食部。 要健康及較輕質的,除了蒸溜水及烏龍茶外,都無太多選擇了!
回覆刪除吓…咁長的?﹗之前我只可攪到第一句的is 咋喎。 你果然健康﹗話個秘密俾你知,戲院廣告多是纖體吧,入場前食多d,觀眾看完你所說的,唔扣喉都去纖體啦﹗(吹水) 不過我認為在你果邊要減肥,是為了健康;我們的女士,只是靚吧﹗在她們眼中,肥=罪﹗﹗ 之前見到「突破」的火柴人記事簿,封面印著﹕「肥人無罪、纖體可恥」,看﹗我們是兩個世界的﹗
回覆刪除To crabchiu: 第一次用 Firefox 寫 blog,原來這網站不喜歡它,要用回 Internet Explorer 才能齊齊整整出到一大段字 當然是兩個世界的人,北美的人口癡肥的太多了,而且一代比一代問題嚴重。不過這裡的減肥廣告仍然是推鎖減肥為美的觀念而非為健康。 To KITP: 香港的戲院至少不會禁止觀眾帶院外食物進場,所以觀眾在有選擇的情況下購買和吃下不健康的食物,戲院不應負上大責任。反之這裡戲院不准觀眾帶院外食物進場,院方對食物的質素就需要負上很大的責任了!
回覆刪除以前就o係戲院門口買炸雞脾、煨魷魚、鹽焗蛋、雞蛋仔,現在不是了,講個故事俾你聽: 話說好多年前香港開始盛行迷你戲院,而且開始取締戲院外賣小吃的小販,我見兩個人拿著個紙袋準備入場,給"met"飛的人員截住,因為他們拿著的煨魷魚,香味被工作人員發現,他們開始理論,工作人員說明附例是不容許帶外來食物進場的,解決方法有兩個:1)交給他們暫時保管,散場時取回。2)即時吃完它就可進場。我見他們鬧哄哄的,無理他們就入場了!
回覆刪除用 Firefox 的話連係人哋個 blog 留言都唔得喎。
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