After a night without much sleep (50 minutes to be exact), I have painted and applied decals on this model. Tonight after work, I can start weathering it! Wish me luck, I am tired!
September 25th Update:
Another two days of weathering bring it to 98% completion.
Take it easy....
回覆刪除Wish you good luck....
[版主回覆09/23/2009 21:09:00]Thanks.
Taka a rest, will be best~
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/23/2009 21:08:00]Trying to take a rest at work
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/23/2009 21:59:00]I am at work using their computer (Windows XP), of course 打唔到中文
係主頁見到隻falke, 但入嚟就セ都睇唔到?
回覆刪除咁搏命, 預祝你攞獎先!
[版主回覆09/23/2009 22:20:00]Is it better now?
咁搏命 because they run Capcon once every two years. Thus it is important to support it by participation.
I can see it now. Thanks a lot...
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/25/2009 21:53:00]No problem!
o man~ see nei day play MA k and make so beautiful ar...make me want to play too lor, sor my eng is cheap ar
(o man, 睇你地玩MA K 又整得咁靚,攪到我都想玩埋一份 lor, 唔好意思我英文唔好)
[版主回覆09/25/2009 21:53:00]Building a MaK could be quite simple and fast, this big one is particularly difficult though. If you have a chance, try one!
yahoo 去死 la 基本 html code 都做唔到 load 得又慢 ,又成日upload 唔到野,禁左的function 等於冇禁,個回覆都要我打兩次...dxx nxx lx mx
回覆刪除唔好意思dilaton...要係你 (個blog) 到發洩 tim,希望冇整污糟你 (個blog) 喇
[版主回覆09/25/2009 21:51:00]Interestingly enough, I don’t experience much trouble from Y!B recently.
BTW, I don’t see my blog is very clean
add oil, but remenber sleeping
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/25/2009 21:47:00]Thanks, trying to sleep more these days.
[版主回覆09/25/2009 21:46:00]睇豉油碟 alone won't need a whole night
近排快手得咁緊要嘅 一件接一件
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/25/2009 21:45:00]Too many things happen in autum / winter
Good luck man! BTW, we ain't spring chickens anymore! Take a good rest after the event...
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/25/2009 21:44:00]Good rest after the event?! You meant I can skip your G30 event???
Good luck mate~! b
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/25/2009 21:43:00]Thanks pal!
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/25/2009 21:43:00]I hope so! Thanks.
睇黎就攪掂了!!! 好野!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/25/2009 21:43:00]One more day to go!
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/25/2009 21:42:00]Thanks, I like the term 武運昌隆!
[版主回覆09/25/2009 21:42:00]Thanks. Don't have much time to take pictures. The model is quite dark, it requires a tripod to take photos, otherwise hand-shaking is a big problem.
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/25/2009 21:40:00]Almost done, still need sometime to finish it and take some pictures.
"Trying to take a rest at work" <= that's my dream job add oil la!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/25/2009 21:39:00]Dream job?! I found myself dreaming too much at work
好似話參加比賽o既,咁祝你武運昌隆勒。 X 2
[版主回覆09/25/2009 21:38:00]Thank you!
Good luck la borther
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/25/2009 21:38:00]Thanks!
Then take a good rest for a day 囉...
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/25/2009 23:57:00]Yeah, old men no longer need a lot of sleep
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/26/2009 05:16:00]都係多謝你的打霧法和 KY 的示範 高達叛徒,早就係啦。這幾年新的幾套高達被商販煲得太商業味,惹我抗拒!
回覆刪除不過當你知被人祝過「武運昌隆」的機師通常都無得返歸,你就 thanks 唔出。
[版主回覆09/26/2009 05:17:00]乜加陣高達的中文翻譯咁頂癮架!
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/26/2009 12:23:00]其實除了元祖高達之外,我未看過有中文(字幕或配音)的高達動畫的
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/26/2009 20:49:00]謝謝,已完成了
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/29/2009 10:12:00]你講嘢牙?!