終於可以置身會場見到自己件製作,感覺很特別。可能是上一次參加模型比賽是足足二十年之前的事,所以造得好與壞自己還覺得是次要,首要者是參與一下,感受一下個氣氛;不似以往般只作壁上觀。當然交件後與小鯊, Joel 及 crabchui 吃飯,大談模型更是前所未有的體驗。多謝三位
First day in Hong Kong
Notice from Daniel for KOGM 2006
Home sweet home
New phone
Bought the cell phone above last night, the quality of the built-in camera can be seen from the photo below. Well, I am glad that I no longer use my old LG fxxking phone anymore. On the other hand, I am not too happy with my model progress because I was playing my new little device since then!
電擊高達模型王大賽進度 (三)
下星期甚至乎明天已經可以為主體上色了,不過武器和地臺還需少少工夫。這個進度我甚至今日有時間去看 Pirates of the Caribbean 2
八月份Hobby JAPAN
今日放工回家就收到八月份的 Hobby JAPAN,果然又是兩星期才寄到。
今期重點..........................攻殼機動隊 Solid State Society 九月一日放送
Eating Habit
The study released today said most Canadians do not eat right.
I happened to take this picture yesterday, and it shows what I ate after work. (A cup of V8, some celery stalks, some cherries, and a slice of chaddar cheese)
Alright, here are what I ate yesterday:
- Rice (3 meals)
- 2 bowls of vegetable-turkey soup
- 2 apples
- 1 nectarine
- 1 banana
- 1 bottle of diet coke
- about 0.4lb of fish
- half of a romaine lettuce
- some frozen vegetable
- little chocolate
- 1 cup of V8
- some cherries
- some celery
- 2-3 slices of cheese (cheddar)
- 100g of frozen yogurt
Not too bad, right?! That's why I always think I am not "Canadian" enough
電擊高達模型王大賽進度 (二)
After a long weekend, things start getting better. Hopefully I can get the base done in the rest of this week. (I can only write English now, my Chinese writing pad is out of order AGAIN!)