Thank you! (A voice from the heaven)
大鯨魚 X 2
前天在公司時已經見到這兩條大鯨魚游回軍塢,原來昨天已經上了報紙(上圖)!平時偶然也會見這些 Victoria Class 潛艇在公司的窗前來回(下圖),但見兩艏就從未所見!據說不單止我未見過,其他加拿大人在這三十幾年來也未見過兩艏加拿大潛艇在同一水域出現!
這個星期趁 GM Custom 需要暫停工作一陣,所以在這期間把隻 GM Ground Type 噴上了顏色。雖然這部 GM 的武器配件未能在版聚前完成,但主體可以完成及見人,換言之版聚時總會有功課交!這是從一開始時就作兩手準備的好處!
Impotent no more!
Just gave my voice recognition Chinese writing tool a try and it worked reasonably well! In the last few weeks, it did not work well after I installed a wireless USB adaptor to my computer. I guess while the machine is running the wireless adaptor, it takes a lot of resources, and does not leave enough for the writing tool. Thus the recognition was absolutely unbearable! Being not able to "write" Chinese these days, I felt impotent
啊,忘記了我 不再是不能(寫中文)的!
Liberal New Leader
Liberal finally found the new leader Stéphane Dion yesterday. I am glad that Michael Ignatieff did not win because I still cannot pronounce his name! Bob Rae, never mind this ex-NDP!
Home sweet home
Came to Toronto yesterday for 9 days. My ex-pet Snowy still looks good, does he not?