
Thank you! (A voice from the heaven)

I am afraid only a few people can foresee the impact of the Taiwanese earthquake on our cyber-life; this includes the daily life of people as far away as those living on the other side of the globe. The poor Taiwanese not only suffered from the impact of the quake but also devastated by the telecommunication break down. (Hope they will recover very soon.) The modern day technology brings us many goodies and convenience, and we all take it for granted. Unfortunately we only appreciate it when we lose it; we seldom do so while we are enjoying it. (I guess this is part of our nature?!) Thus I would like to thank those telecommunication workers who brought the network back online after a disaster of this scale. You know, while we are having our second thought of our dependence on the telecommunication network, please don't forget the fact that this blog is likely to be transmitted over a satellite link for the time being.

5 則留言:

  1. 冇錯。阿信話﹕「誰會珍惜,當你還擁有………」地震後至今我才頭一回上到yahoo,而yahoo尚要繞到其us server才上到。

  2. 新年快樂! 真係好難得先入到黎呢!

  3. 那幾日我在日本,日日想上香港 yahoo 都唔得,蘋果日報都睇唔到,好在重上到, 知道電纜出了事。 酒店有免費上網服務的不多,遇著一間但又週圍去唔到,真失敗!

  4. oh,在日本邊庶?有冇收獲? 我聖誕節去了大阪,買了3盒絕版Hasegawa F-104.

  5. 小鯊,下次如遇上這種情況,不妨考慮去外國網站找消息。911那天,我在渥汰華時完全不能夠上 CNN 或 CBC 這些北美網站找消息,於是我上香港網站看報導消息,一登就登入了! Roger 兄,大阪的聖誕節下雪嗎?3盒絕版 F-104,其中一盒會砌加拿大版嗎
