Just gave my voice recognition Chinese writing tool a try and it worked reasonably well! In the last few weeks, it did not work well after I installed a wireless USB adaptor to my computer. I guess while the machine is running the wireless adaptor, it takes a lot of resources, and does not leave enough for the writing tool. Thus the recognition was absolutely unbearable! Being not able to "write" Chinese these days, I felt impotent
啊,忘記了我 不再是不能(寫中文)的!
回覆刪除"voice recognition Chinese writing tool" 嘩~ 咁勁ge..... 不如用九方 la... 易用又易學~
回覆刪除我只係typical 倉頡輸入法.
回覆刪除行列我也不是第一次聽到……… 我第二次聽你講行列。 這種輸入法到現在是我第二次聽到。
回覆刪除什麼是行列????? 邊度學ga?? 好易用ga?? 我覺得倉頡輸入法是最好的,因為最通用,唔係部部幾都有安裝九方,但要好下苦功呢。
回覆刪除九方打online game 好麻煩... 倉頡都唔係好難學,起碼普及麻!
回覆刪除行列習慣了便好用,無論哪一種輸入法都是講習慣的。 行列的好處是碼的分佈有一定的邏輯,有些字不大 sure 時可以從邏輯推斷其碼的。且最每字最多只是四碼。 唔好處係同碼的字太多,可能入晒四個碼還有七個字要你選(雖然通常只是四個字或以下)。 講到最尾,還是習慣啦。我打了15年行列,實在轉不回倉頡了。
回覆刪除15年………?﹗外星科技?我真孤陋寡聞…… 我哋一路講,似乎當dilaton冇到……
回覆刪除多 謝各位大哥大姐,細佬已經有解决方法,就是新買了塊最簡單的手寫板,還今天寄到,十五分鐘前安裝好。現在操作良好,那種被閹割的感覺,已經一掃而空,重拾雄風。
回覆刪除為你的重新振作…我致敬﹗﹗ 聖誕快樂﹗﹗