Finally finished the book last night. It was quite a good read indeed. As I learned the plot from Wikipedia in the middle of the read, I was not surprised at the end. (Or put it this way, Wikipedia did quite a good job on exposing the story.) Nevertheless it is still interesting to read the book to the end, to see how Harry killed Riddle (he no longer called him Voldemort anymore at the end.) However I was disappointed on one issue, namely The Prince. I think Snape deserved more at the end, how Harry felt about him after learning all the secrets about the man. Unfortunately Rowling did not mention much about him after his fall. I would say something wonderful could be said about this character but unfortunately Rowling chose to end the story at that point. I wish the movie version will elaborate more on Snape because Alan Rickman is such a fine actor that he is capable of bringing the character beyond what the book mentioned. But of course this also depends upon who the director will be!
我冇睇過HP,但我認凡事講得太盡、說得太白,很冇趣的。留低些空白位,俾人幻想下,不知幾浪漫﹗ (另一方面,又可以有機會出外傳呢……)
回覆刪除係呀! Alan Rickman 做得幾好架, 特別係佢嗰種古古怪怪嘅神情.....
回覆刪除Alan Rickman 老得好快,還是懷念佢在 Die Hard 1.
回覆刪除看畢全書就知道 Rickman 的角色何以表 情 老是 古古怪怪
回覆刪除原來 Die Hard 嗰個就係佢呀!? 我都想揾番佢d 戯黎睇.....
回覆刪除咁你可以睇埋 Love Actually 同 Galaxy Quest。重有一套無咁出名的奇震高士拿做的羅賓漢。 佢套套片中風格都不同,都竟然可以做得咁好。睇完佢 Die Hard 咁型咁正經,你估唔到佢在 Galaxy Quest 可以咁!
回覆刪除係呀..Alan真係好型,不過Love Actually 佢既戲份好少.....
回覆刪除well disregard of his portion in each of those movie... he is always the one and only scene stealer... for those interested in the his damn wit... plz watch the search of John Gissing!