
Brampton man arrested for allegedly practicing witchcraft

... he had the ability to practice magic and by doing that he could solve people’s problems… for money.”

Mmmmm... should they arrest Steve Jobs who always says iPad is magical and his products make people look cool?

Source: Brampton man arrested for allegedly practicing witchcraft

1 則留言:

  1. 用巫術解決問題,有D似香港嘅祈福黨呀、種寶黨呀咁...
    [版主回覆09/17/2010 12:07:00]祈福本身在香港不會入罪,但報導中說 "Mr. Pathak is charged with fraud under $5,000 and pretending to practice witchcraft." ,就似乎話在這裡用巫術就犯法,不論原因如何。
