
Canadian Experience

This is a story I heard during today's coffee break. A colleague said his wife spent about a month to find her first Canadian job. She's a British and she got her job in one month. I never heard of anyone HK immigrant who can get a mainstream job in a month. The typical excuse of not hiring HK immigrants is the lack of Canadian experience. I always know that this is just an excuse but hearing this story really make me feel sick!

4 則留言:

  1. 還未習慣或(看化)嗎? 順帶一提,「地理堂」譯得非常有趣。

  2. 早就習慣了,但不是麻木了,聽到總會有感的!

  3. 你現在高薪厚職,不用擔心啦!

  4. 高薪厚職雖然還未到我,但工作還算穩定。不過做人有時要「有時思無時」,自己算是上了岸也希望其他人也可接踵而上嘛。而且這種只是冠冕堂皇的歧視藉口,怎樣看也會叫人氣奮。
