

接上回,話說看完 Fortissimo 的表演後已經差不多到晚上九時,再看看軍人收拾大炮就又多留了十多分鐘。但突然留意到不少人還留在現場,於是乎再看看現場的告示,原來在九時半有一項叫 Mosaika 的免費演出。於是乎立即拿出部 Playbook 上網看看那是甚麼的演出。基本上這是類似幻燈放映,內容是介紹加拿大的歷史。話雖說是類似幻燈片,但我看了半小時也看不出光源是從何而來。不過反正效果不錯,而且夜涼如水,雖然要在農曆七月十三遲遲歸家,但如此渡過難忘一晚著實值得



5 則留言:

  1. 睇黎yahoo個新界面要d時間去悉應....
    [版主回覆08/19/2011 10:55:35]這個祇是時間問題矣,基本功能大至上保留了,遲早會習慣的。

  2. I have seen these sort of wonderful shows in YouTude before. Any building can be the screen. Lots of images like fish, birds, waterfalls etc. Another kind of virtual reality. Magnificent and spectacular. I envy your watching on the scene.
    [版主回覆08/20/2011 20:54:02]The official web site of Mosaika (provided in the blog) also has a few YouTube footages, quite nice. By the way, I bet those glass-panel buildings cannot be used as a screen. In the case of Hong Kong, it is also difficult to find an open space where it is dark enough. Otherwise, it would be nice to have this kind of show in HK. I believe it does not cost much.

  3. I eventually found the related shows. There are a lot.
    [版主回覆08/22/2011 20:33:01]Thank you for sharing. Yes, there are many sites showing the footage but I cannot find one to explain how they do it. It feels like this is some kind of commercial secret.

  4. This technology seems being under the category of “3D projection”. Wiki tells about the mathematical concept but without mentioning the technical installation. Here is a company providing the services: “”. Please read the Information and FAQ columns. Seems that projectors are the main tools not of big sizes. A glimpse of the hardware here: “”.
    [貴回覆08/25/2011 00:28:16]@Big brother Dilaton: (1) Typing English is easier than writing Chinese. (2) 我頑皮。:P
    [版主回覆08/24/2011 11:19:36]Thanks for the info. By the way, is there something wrong with your computer? You are writing in English lately, not only here but you wrote to 竹爺 in English as well.

  5. 1) Even you find it more difficult to type in Chinese! 2) 珍系吹鳩象 XD
