

原來楊德昌早兩個禮拜前過了身,我還是剛才看 Criterion 的網頁知道消息,不過那時我正忙於四處走沒有留意!我自己從開始迷上看電影就已經聽聞他的大名,但至今還是一套也沒有看過他的作品。在北美洲,台灣電影實在難找,誰不知 98/99 年當我在香港工作時也一樣找不到台灣戲。自己手頭上就只有《悲情城市》和《海上花》兩齣台灣戲;若非有梁朝偉擔大旗恐怕也找不到!現在恐怕是時侯找找《一一》了!

5 則留言:

  1. I don't think I am desperate to watch Taiwanese movies. But don't you think it is bizzare, we can easily find Taiwanese books and CD's in Hong Kong. So it cannot be politics that stop Taiwanese movies coming to Hong Kong.

  2. There are Taiwan films can be found in HK but actually the no. of films produced in Taiwan is really little  and they are not all popular as Japanes and Korean films now. Recently "刺青" is an OK one! Of course《一一》is one of the best of 楊德昌 films.

  3. 其實只要用心認真找的話,在香港一定能夠找到的;但我卻多花時間在找模型上

  4. Yes, 《一一》is one of his best films but I even like his earlier ones more.  You could still find it at Central HMV.  
