
Corel Paint Shop Pro X2

I discovered Corel’s Paint Shop Pro XI at Future Shop late last year. I did not buy it right away because I had no projects that required such a powerful and yet economic software tool at the moment. More research on the tool led me to the conclusion that it would be replaced by a newer version soon. That time has come last week! Corel released Paint Shop Pro X2 on September 5th. The new version can be installed on Windows XP and Windows Vista. The price is the same as the previous version. That is to say at a price of CAD$99, you possess the ability of changing the colour of your finished or unfinished model at will. (Believe it or not, the price in the US currency is also US$99; this is a moment when I am glad to be a Canadian


I always want to have this colour changing feature because it makes life much easier to test the colour of an unpainted model before painting. However this capability was always bundled with some high-end professional software packages like Corel Draw or Adobe Photoshop. Unfortunately they are painfully expensive for casual users. To the best of my knowledge, Paint Shop Pro is the only “cheap” software tool that comes with this feature, in addition to other nice capabilities.

This is why I spent sometime last night to download the software. I will have a month to test the tool. By the end of it, I bet I can find it from many stores in Ottawa. The download was a little bit bumpy but it was completely finished at the end. I guess the problem comes from the fact that Windows Vista and Internet Explorer are too cautious about software download. Installation is generally okay but I had trouble in starting the tool for the first time. The software took ages to start and never finished the initialization process. I end up force-quitted the program and restarted the computer. For some unknown reasons, the software installer did not prompt for restarting the computer at the last stage of installation. This is usually needed after installing a big software package. After the restart, I could use the Paint Shop without any problem; this is something fellow users need to know during the installation process. (In case somebody wants to know, I am running Windows Vista Home Premium on an Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4GHz CPU with 2G RAM. Hardware should contribute little on the installation problem.)

Corel Paint Shop Pro X2 


 Colour-changed version

(This blog entry is written in English because I do not know most of the jargons in Chinese; and I hate writing in Chinese with English terms pop up everywhere.)


10 則留言:

  1. 好似將Photoshop其中一個功能拆出黎當新程式咁喎~ 唔知退地及描邊功能夠唔夠強呢?

  2. OH....come on ~~~~~ well……ar……um……(可以寫的英文盡了)……明天早上多點精神才看吧……

  3. 今時今日嘅科技真喺幫得手,不過D效果好似怪怪地?

  4. 回 YAYA:轉色當然只是其中一項功能,其他的我還未有時間發掘。 回 crabchiu:Gum Yueng Ngor Gum Saer Ho Ng Ho? 回 KY:這是人嘅問題,不是功具的問題

  5. 應節啊! 就到西洋鬼節 !!!

  6. 你真係要笑死我,攞我命至得啦。 dilaton,  一click入你度見到你依句野,我的反應是﹕ (請跟我做以下動作)……我縐埋眉頭,頭部向右邊肩膀微傾,口中慢慢地「登」出幾個字…… kong mug none yei ar……

  7. btw, 你咁寫我會明d, Ngor Gum Yueng Saer Ho Ng Ho?

  8. 會啩,Photoshop 貴幾倚倍!
