


提到翻譯,有時侯不必用軟件也可教人如墮五里迷霧。姑且不說 Chinglish(如 "ching")或錯字(如 "outlook" 有太多人當「外表」用),有些言辭因為文化差異是沒有翻譯的。我相信絕大部份人見到一篇中文時會用中國文化的角度去閱讀;同理,見到英文時就要用英文文化的角度去看。如果寫英文時用了中國文化的思想就很容易搞出上述的問題。例如 "brother" 這個字我就見太多網友用,多年來也弄不懂對方是指「兄」還是「手足」的意思。例如「地理堂兄」中「兄」字是尊稱,英文的翻譯是 "Mr. dilaton"(因為鬼佬不會濫用尊稱,所以更合適的翻譯是 " dilaton"。)所以當我見到人呼 "brother dilaton" 時,究竟對方是指「地理堂兄」還是「地理堂手足」這個關係密切得多的稱謂(鬼佬說 "brother dilaton" 會是很親密的稱呼)?有時侯真會令我啼笑皆非,因為我同你唔係好熟咋喎!


8 則留言:

  1. About the time difference, that can fully understand. Even Sydney is just 3 hrs faster than HK, that's hard to discus with them on the same topic. That's especially serious on weekend peak hr (HK night time 9-12), as that's my local sleeping time already............!! /_\
    [版主回覆02/16/2009 12:02:00]I thought only half a day would be significant enough. It surprised me because a few hours difference also made it difficult to follow those discussions!

  2. 近年討論區質素下降真係好明顯.可能多左年輕一輩上網 他們的表達能力真係令人驚訝.錯別字,又中又英又拼音唔在講. 打堆字出唻一舊舊都唔知佢地想講乜. 所以都開始淡出討論區而轉寫blog. 起碼自己地頭,寫野都會執下唔好嚇親人.
    [版主回覆02/17/2009 05:58:00]不過在自己地頭並不是完全是一件好事,寫的東西會比較放肆;你見我這裡遠比在討論區不文就是一例

  3. For the time I play PSO on DC, I faced the similar problem as well. When everybody playing happily at about HK 1am, I've nealry fall to sleep as 4am. After that experience, I found...............even 3 hrs difference, would be a big "gap" in between! XD
    [版主回覆02/17/2009 06:03:00]Online game is interactive, of course it it particularly sensitive to time difference. However some games can be played with other non-HK players, that should be easier on you. Wait, I bet there are not many players living in your time zone though

  4. At that time just aimed to play with fds at HK, that's y try to catch up with them in the game!! And also tried to team with Aussie or ppl from US, but the feeling............playing method (feeling?) are totally different. But that's the "old story" already. Right now didn't spend much time on TV games, life is too busy already, and try to get more time on model!!
    [版主回覆02/17/2009 08:45:00]Yeah, I prefer building models to video games. Looking forward to your new work!

  5. Right now Video game would just play Wii with my gf. All PS2.............360............etc...........just left behind! I'm working on Char's Ball right now!!! (And a big Zeon Char team behind! ) But the main work is looking for job right now!! >_< As umemployed from last Dec........!! Too bad econ.........!!
    [版主回覆02/17/2009 21:46:00]Good luck in your job hunting. It will take a while but just be patient!

  6. Thx mate. Quite hard at this moment. As you said, just can patient. And right now just can work on some small business...........inorder to survive until the econ improve............!! (And a good reason to ask myself not buying new model, just finish all those in my hand first!! Ah Q theory!! )
    [版主回覆02/17/2009 22:05:00]That's not "Ah Q", it's always nice to finish those kits we are having before buying new ones. I am also trying to do so these days.

  7. That's always "try", but too hard. As Bandai always release something "Attractive"!! XD BTW, got to sleep, ttyl!!
    [版主回覆02/18/2009 08:32:00]Good night!

  8. Good morning!!! hahaha!!! Just getting news from a job agent, can have a meeting with them tomorrow........! Let see how would that be.........!
    [版主回覆02/18/2009 09:15:00]This is a good sign. Good luck man!
