After many hours of trial and error, I finally can get my PC connected to the internet. Please don't ask me why it did not connect in the first place, I simply don't know! It's so frustrating that I do not even go to the trouble of writing this blog in Chinese. Man, I need a break
回覆刪除吖,唔記講TIM.......生日快樂﹗﹗ 個蛋糕‥‥越洋送俾你食吧,自己去我個BLOG到切來食吧﹗
回覆刪除~ 生日快樂 ~ crabchiu 個邊唔夠的話,黎我個blog 度切來食~ 多款蛋糕,任君選擇~
回覆刪除我諗你的生日 (the day) 應該要計埋時差才是,如果你係於香港出生的話。 (um..... 咁講都幾無聊.... 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈... 笑到台都拍爛~)
回覆刪除唔洗客氣,不如我冒被老婆殺死的危險,送多張靚女相給你。(私人珍藏) 看罷自己去取吧﹗
回覆刪除Hey ~~~ Happy Birthday~~^^!
回覆刪除Although a bit late~~~~~
Carol: 多謝 :D
回覆刪除crabchiu: 都多謝你!結了婚的男人的喜好果然與眾不同,難怪我還不想結婚!