早幾日看新聞,標題就是這句 "CD is dead"。剛巧昨天收到個多星期前在 YesAsia 買的兩隻CD (又是生日禮物?!),倒也想起這話。要知它們都是舊 CD,我八月在香港時應該可以買到,但現在香港的 CD 專賣店(主力賣 CD 不是 VCD或 DVD)比起 1999 年我在港工作時已經少了很多,已非到處都有有規模的店鋪。故此當時(八月)我亦只在香港買了一隻 CD 而矣(夏韶聲的「諳3」。)二十年前我們經歷了黑膠唱片絕種的時代,恐怕不久將來我們會目睹另一個媒介的式微。
Models could be dead one day in the future, I am not surprised if that day comes. However I think it is more likely that it will be replaced by something, and what would that something be? Cassette tapes are dead and they are replaced by CDs; diodes were replaced by integrated circuits; telegram was replaced by telephone. What would that replacement hobby be
記住今個月,去多幾次超級市場買野啦~ 廁紙、洗頭水、狗糧、牛奶 就會變成生日禮物~ 用花紙包廁紙~ 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈~
回覆刪除發生咩事ar..... 點解d interpretation 錯晒ga!!!!!!! 我講的那句 重點是 「記住今個月,去多幾次超級市場買野啦~ 廁紙、洗頭水、狗糧、牛奶 就會變成生日禮物~」- Interpretation: 咁~ 今個月要買多d~ 開心d~ 第二句: 「用花紙包廁紙~」 - Interpretation: 唔好叫售貨員幫你將d廁紙 or 洗頭水用花紙包起佢,因為唔環保~ 第三句:「 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈~」- Interpretation: 係我覺得用紙包紙好無聊,咁無聊我都諗得出,所以笑!! ~ 本來,我已經打了環保等字眼,最後 delete o左,估唔到會有咁的 interpretation. 你們不是有病嗎?? 可能係我講野有問題,本來好眼訓,現在醒晒!!!
回覆刪除dilaton: 「到底那是自己買還是人家送的,在我來說分別不大。(當然是禮物的話是在乎心意而不是物件。) ....... 相反地若果擁有一件名貴的事物會徒添自己麻煩的話,又何苦之有?」 我都好同意,我有個原本放衫的drawer係專放下本小姐由細到現在收過or自己買的有意義的和令我開心過的野。 小鯊: 我覺得你好黑心!!!
回覆刪除小鯊心地不嬲都係唔好的. 隨了善事之外, 其餘什麼事他也會做
回覆刪除「你們不是有病嗎?? 」只有女孩子可以這樣說,而不被討厭。 CD is dead,令我好驚想到一日……「Model is dead」
回覆刪除According to the theory of Product Life Cycle, Model will be dead.
回覆刪除Models could be dead one day in the future, I am not surprised if that day comes. However I think it is more likely that it will be replaced by something, and what would that something be? Cassette tapes are dead and they are replaced by CDs; diodes were replaced by integrated circuits; telegram was replaced by telephone. What would that replacement hobby be