
Hurricane Juan

Today (2007 Jan 28), the featured article at Wikipedia is about Hurricane Juan. This big storm is the biggest reason why I hate Halifax. It came less than two months after I moved here. For one thing, my car, which was three months old at that time, was busted. Although my insurance company paid for the $8000+ (HK$56000) repair cost, it was really a nightmare. This is why I am so glad that I'll leave this city this summer!

Hurricane Juan

4 則留言:

  1. 嘩~ 好強的風,你好不幸ar.......  當時你係車內定車外ar?? 

  2. I was in my ...... bed. I found out half of the windows on my car were broken the next morning. Well, at least not all the windows!

  3. just the windows?! 想象力太好但心地唔好,還以為有棵樹跌落你部車度.

  4. 果然,妳覺得我是應該遭天譴的人
