I took this picture last year at the Nova Scotia Air Show. It was on static display but I did not have a chance to board it. I recall that it left quite early on that day. Anyhow, it will wear a Canadian flag in the future because the Canadian government just spent $3.4B on four of these monsters. Hopefully Boeing will deliver the planes very soon, otherwise strategic airlift will not be in great need after the end of the Afghanistan mission. You know, we don't need these aircraft for domestic airlift, what's good are they at home? The Canadian Forces can barely sustain a combat mission, we do humanitarian relief missions once every few years. So I have a feeling that we will sell the planes a few years later, just like the Canadian Chinook.
CBC News
咁同我買模型差唔多,買時同老婆講,盒野有幾好,又怕會絶版;買咗唔砌放機年,得閒開盒睇下,最後放上yahoo bid走佢……
回覆刪除妙就妙在幾年後你又要買番那盒模型。在加拿大的情形,很多年前政府把 Chinook 賣了給荷蘭人,現在為了應付阿富汗的高海拔環境,又想買幾隻 Chinook,但卻又無現貨!