This is an interesting news because the Canadian Forces started looking at the UAV’s (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or Uninhabited Air Vehicles) at least back in the late nineties. It’s been more than ten years and millions of dollars have been spent on studying this kind of platform and its C4ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) integration. Although the news article below does not mention the type of UAV’s they have in mind, the capability requirements suggest a member of the Predator family from General Atomics Aeronautical Systems. (The CF has long ruled out the expensive and overkilled Global Hawk, I believe.) The Predator B, I think, is briefly seen in the movie Transformers; and Platz will release a model of Predator A according to the Tokyo Hobby Show. So this is not a stranger to many people. Of course the USAF deployed P/A and B since they attacked Afghanistan. Anyhow, given that the arctic is getting warmer, it is about time for the Canadian government to protect the sovereignty of the Canadian arctic.
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/25/2007 11:08:00]其實是有人駕駛的,只不過人是在十萬八千里之外。反而是部份智能炸彈有自動鎖定目標的功能,如果鎖錯了目標的話,在短短幾秒內就算有人控制(好似是無人控制的)也阻止不來。
回覆刪除無人戰機其中一好處是不用理人體的極限,飛到幾多 G ,只要機體頂得住就得,但如果無人機搭載武器會否好危險?會唔會打番人轉頭(睇得 terminator 同 Matrix 多,無法)
[版主回覆10/26/2007 10:46:00]他們經常強調 human-in-the-loop,不單止在使用武器上,就算是飛進平民航空領空中也要有人監控,所以其實在很大程度上相當安全。至少不會出現因為機師太疲累而出現人為錯誤。
Predator 幾年前已經咩住支hellfire響伊拉克, 阿富汗petrol, 遇著opputunity target (如懷疑係"insurgent")都唔使點考慮就可以攻擊目標.... UAV殺人都唔係咩新鮮事了~~~
回覆刪除地上版都o黎緊了.... .
[版主回覆10/26/2007 10:54:00]那是 UGV,自然也有 UUV,在水底(Underwater)掃雷的自動小型潛艇現在也有。不過其實現代魚雷(不過已經自戰後有之)的自動追踪敵船能力已經很可怕,無人的殺人武器實在越來越廣泛。
讓我想起 Terminator 4 入面隻野。
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/27/2007 10:10:00]下面那 UGV 其實很細小,與 Terminator 3 中的那隻差很遠。
用無人機去偵察, 巡邏或掃雷我覺得冇問題, 但用來執行直接戰鬥任務我就有保留了.... 皆因到時強國連戰鬥人員都唔雖要冒險, 戰爭只係好似video game咁, 社會最看重o既己方傷亡數字都可以減致近乎零時, 強國發動戰爭o既 risk 同cost 都會大大減低. 和平o既日子又更加渺茫.....
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/27/2007 10:14:00]以色列雖然是無人駕駛系統的先驅國家,但這麼多年來也擺不平巴勒斯坦人。其實武器還需要配合戰術和地理環境才可以有效發揮的。
Right, 係 T3, 因隔 T2 太耐,成日形住佢係 T4.
回覆刪除唔知 T4 會唔會出,唔知係咪講 Terminator 救山火?
[版主回覆10/27/2007 22:43:00]太老要轉吓型,做法庭戲,控告吓美國政府的環保政策來保衛世界,會是不錯的鬧劇。
環保鬧劇, 已俾Al Gore喝了頭啖湯~~