Since this camera is a little bit big, I always put it in my luggage instead of a hand-carry bag during air travel. I guess it just has enough of this kind of abuse! As a matter of fact, I will bring "your" MG Gogg to the competition, and build the recently-bought 1:48 King Tiger Production Version for the event. The truth is, I brought the King Tiger to Ottawa last week and made some progress on it. I should be able to finish it before the competition if the house-sale does not cause too much interruption.
回覆刪除Since this camera is a little bit big, I always put it in my luggage instead of a hand-carry bag during air travel. I guess it just has enough of this kind of abuse! As a matter of fact, I will bring "your" MG Gogg to the competition, and build the recently-bought 1:48 King Tiger Production Version for the event. The truth is, I brought the King Tiger to Ottawa last week and made some progress on it. I should be able to finish it before the competition if the house-sale does not cause too much interruption.
回覆刪除我部lumix F50第一代機依家都仲用緊, 係舊電死左要買番之嘛. 由2001年用到依家都算唔錯.
回覆刪除快o的買,快o的熟習部新機嘛!到時拍些照片分享一下,好嗎? 幸運地,我的機仔非常頑皮,已跳落地2次,角都崩埋,但重好靈活啊。
回覆刪除我已經睇中了 Nikon 的 Coolpix S10,剛才走了幾間大舖都無貨,網上有信心的舖頭同樣缺貨,似乎要遲下先買到,因為想幫襯間有延長保養及全國化售後服務的店。不過現在距離比賽還有兩個星期,不用太著急 選擇 S10 是因為它有 10X 光學 zoom (忘記了中文),這是從部 Canon S2 身上愛上了的功能。從 S2 身上我亦發現自己不是攝影的材料,部 S2 至今都未識用所有功能,所以選擇一部基本上是儍瓜機的 S10 。故此不必擔心熟習新機的問題,因為自信比儍瓜會好一丁點。最後 S10 應該遠比部 S2 細小輕便,希望不會重蹈因為相機太大要放入寄艙行李的覆轍!
回覆刪除我部機都有d問題,個殼鬆 o左~
回覆刪除我都好懷疑新既電子產品係未set左時間制... 好多野剛剛一過保養期就懷了=.=