今日在公司無意中發現,我的頭像變了另一幅相。去另外幾個 blog 的回覆也是這幅相,用另一部電腦上網也是同一個頭像。相中似乎是三個人,一個紅衫女人在左邊,一個白衫女人在右邊,中間一個的頭髗似很細小,可能是企高了的小孩。小孩姑且不計,如果那兩個女人任何一個醜樣的話,在我的頭像出現就大大不妙了。當然,如果她們青春美麗的話,我倒不介意與她們扯上一些關係
星期四無意間聽收音機知道,原來這個週未又有模型展,於是見今天回暖而且天朗氣清,所以去了市中心的 Maritime Museum of the Atlantic 行了一轉。這個展覧去年我也有到過,但因為全是船隻模型的關係,在興趣不大之下去年沒有拍照。今年因為上星期去過一個模型展而拍了不少相片,所以今次也影了百多幅相片放在自己的網頁之中。
MMA 的入場票
其中一件展品,1:350 的夏理法斯級護航艦(frigate),我一見之下就發覺自己做的 1:700 HMCS Halifax 的船身太窄,恐怕我這隻船都是大爛尾收場
旁邊的老伯對我說,這船就是89年前炸掉了半個夏理法斯市的運火藥武器的貨船,這場 Halifax Explosion 當年炸死了二千人,傷了九千。所以每年十二月六日這城市都有悼念活動。
Travis Bickle
Who is Travis Bickle? It turns out he is a hero in American society. We met him back in 1976 (but I first met him in the 90's) after he came back from Vietnam. He was 26 at that time, a frustrated, lonely and dangerous young man. However once in a while he was interested in women. Of course all these wouldn't make him a hero; perhaps it all started when he spent hundreds of bucks on handguns. Killing a robber in a convenience store wouldn't make him a hero but he was more than ready to pull the trigger by that time. As was said in Tom's Mission Impossible II, every hero needs a villain. Luck Travis, he managed to have two villains; one is Senator Charles Palantine, and the other one is a gang of pimps who lived off poor but young Iris Steensma. When Travis failed to acquire his primary target in the movie Taxi Driver, he pointed his gun to Harvey Keitel. Well, we all know the rest. Nevertheless we always wonder what if De Niro pulled his gun(s) on Palantine. If that happened, poor Travis would have became another Cho Seung-Hui. (Or the other way around?)
Mr. Cho is a 23 years old frustrated, lonely and dangerous young man. Apparently he was also interested in women but was rejected! He obviously planned his massacre, he even sent mail to NBC. (Did I mention that Travis sent Iris some money before he took action?) Perhaps Mr. Cho was too attentive to his plan, and failed to identify other villains, otherwise he would have become a hero instead of an evil. However, as I said at the beginning, hero or evil, it all started when they had guns in their hands! It is just too easy to have a gun in America.
今日放工回家時收到郵差叔叔放在門前的一盒模型,不枉了¥5500,果然很大盒,莫非真的要我個模型衣櫃變成 100% 滿!
特此多謝 crabchiu,尤其是外附熟口熟面的海報兩張,內附福利揮春兩張,咁嘅朋友去邊樹揾?!
今日終於收到從 Rainbow Ten 寄來的十盒重戰機模型,於是乎整個系列我只差一盒 1:100 舊版 Mk-II 就齊全了。(但我曾經砌過這盒 Mk-II ,而且 R3 版比之更加好,所以我也不太在乎。)面對著這堆模型,滿足之餘亦帶幾分敗家的慚愧,因為自知不會在短時期內着手砌它們,唯有又一次找一個擁有它們的藉口以解內疚。
後記:神啊,請給我多一點空間!加了這十盒模型之後,我的衣櫃就變成 98% 滿。
HMCS Athabaskan and the MacDonald Bridge
Casino Nova Scotia
Tourist boat Theodore
Halifax Citadel
Hello tanks!
According to the rumors, the Canadian Army will have some hulky new toys before the summer. The new toys, not clearly reported though, are a bunch of Leopard 2A6M. (Cannot be Leopard 1A6 because it is no longer in production.) The problem with the existing Canadian tanks is not their old age, it's the lack of air conditioning. Being a Canadian, I absolutely understand why the Forces never think AC is necessary. Well I guess this is an interesting lesson learned in Afghanistan! Anyway, I think it is about time for me to find some Leopard 2 models. I haven't built a 1:35 tank for almost ten years!
Bounty on Dogs (See the second last paragraph)
終於收到這部 Nikon Coolpix S10,做回一個有相機的人。(用手機影相甚麻煩!)壞了的那部錦囊 PowerShot S2IS 已於上星期放假時寄去多倫多修理,希望不會太貴吧!
兩年保養期的 S10
先試特寫:這種特寫相以前部 S2 就拍不出,雖云 S2 有零距離微距,但要部相機放在物件前才辦得到,而在這個近距離下相機本身就遮擋了照在物件上的光線;換言之是零實用。
顏色上自動白平並不太準確,但再測後就相當不錯了。還好再測的 menu 並不難按出來。
十倍的 optical zoom 影出來與以前部 S2 (是 12X)似乎差不多,遲下等天氣暖一點時才再到室外試試效果。
總括而言除了三個小問題外,至今我相當滿意。那三個問題?首先相機充電時一定要拆電池出來充電,不能夠一邊充電一邊拍照。似乎有需要多買一塊專用電池才可以連續拍攝。第二,相機的 navigation button 太細小,希望日後會習慣吧。最後,相機上連接 USB 電線插口的掣式並不是較大路的一種,個人不太喜歡。如果在家中一大堆 USB 線中不難找出這條專用線的話,問題應該不大的。