原來星期五已經在拉斯維加斯宣佈了 HD DVD 的死刑,雖然有點不忍,但市場只能夠容納一種高清光碟制式,早作淘汰總會為任何一個輸家省錢!作為用家,現在的問題是,在沒有兢爭壓力之下,blu-ray 碟將會是平了還是貴了。以近期所見,BD 是平了,但那是聖誕購物期間,價格會比較顛簸,難以為長遠走勢作指引。
唔係掛 , 有咁既樹 ? As I know, Toshiba has announced their first HD DVD recorder for PCs yestersday. Toshiba apparently won't let HD DVD die without a fight: at their CES press conference they mentioned that the format has died many times over (according to statements by various members of the Blu-ray camp) and despite all that, they're still here. [版主回覆01/10/2008 11:03:00]現在連 Paramount 也傳會轉會,似乎荷李活會很快轉向 BD。如果電影光碟都用了 BD 制式的話,HD 光碟在電腦中儲存資料的制式也要歸邊,始終有部份人堅持在電腦上看電影!
唔係掛 , 有咁既樹 ?
回覆刪除As I know, Toshiba has announced their first HD DVD recorder for PCs yestersday. Toshiba apparently won't let HD DVD die without a fight: at their CES press conference they mentioned that the format has died many times over (according to statements by various members of the Blu-ray camp) and despite all that, they're still here.
[版主回覆01/10/2008 11:03:00]現在連 Paramount 也傳會轉會,似乎荷李活會很快轉向 BD。如果電影光碟都用了 BD 制式的話,HD 光碟在電腦中儲存資料的制式也要歸邊,始終有部份人堅持在電腦上看電影!
Yesterday 打多咗個 S, Yahoo 又無 Spell Check, 又唔比人改 , 幾樣衰呢 . 又暴露咗 我 係小學生 嘅 真正身份.
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/10/2008 10:50:00]小朋友,小心甩大牙!
依?咁microsoft既XBOX 360咪食蕉!佢出左個HD DVD player黎頂Sony既PS3嗎!呵呵......有野睇咯!
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/10/2008 10:47:00]Xbox 個 HD DVD 功能是外掛式,MS 有可能出個外掛式 BD player 加在 Xbox 上掛?!