你講我呀 ? [版主回覆10/23/2008 22:56:00]What is ridiculous is that they think they are righteous, even a lawyer think so! You might be using some counterfeit software applications but if they cause you loss of data or other hardware problems, I don't think you'll blame Microsoft. You still have a strong sense of right-and-wrong.
我都係轉左用mac之後先用少左老番...說起來,初中那年看到那些用了FCKGW序號的windows xp在美國正式出貨前己被破解,在我家鄉只值幾蚊人仔,賣到成行成市。在那時我真的感受到祖國的「可愛」之處 ... [版主回覆10/23/2008 23:00:00]What is really scary about mainland China is that there are always some people doing something for earning just a few cents more, regardless of how wrong the act is!
fyi, http://slashdot.org/articles/07/09/11/1615211.shtml Cheers. [版主回覆10/23/2008 23:01:00]Thanks, so this is an action that Microsoft exercises against the whole world, not just in China.
Yes, it's the action to the whole world. Btw, it's might be the strategy of M$. Perhaps 1 day, google or yahoo (those provide free services) will charge us 1 day. Imagine we have sackful of data in their storage, how can we not pay them, right? [版主回覆10/24/2008 08:18:00]They do have every right to charge us for the provided services if they want to do so one day.
Yes, yes, they definitely have the right to do that. It also imply that the same type of complain will happen again in china. Hope we don't see the scene of 文化大革命 in the future. Btw, the black screen will not cause you losing any data at a moment as long as you have the legitimate source disc. Cheers [版主回覆10/25/2008 11:26:00]I have no idea what MS did to those Windows. I guess loss if data is just an indirect consequence of the action.
你講我呀 ?
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/23/2008 22:56:00]What is ridiculous is that they think they are righteous, even a lawyer think so! You might be using some counterfeit software applications but if they cause you loss of data or other hardware problems, I don't think you'll blame Microsoft. You still have a strong sense of right-and-wrong.
我都係轉左用mac之後先用少左老番...說起來,初中那年看到那些用了FCKGW序號的windows xp在美國正式出貨前己被破解,在我家鄉只值幾蚊人仔,賣到成行成市。在那時我真的感受到祖國的「可愛」之處 ...
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/23/2008 23:00:00]What is really scary about mainland China is that there are always some people doing something for earning just a few cents more, regardless of how wrong the act is!
fyi, http://slashdot.org/articles/07/09/11/1615211.shtml Cheers.
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/23/2008 23:01:00]Thanks, so this is an action that Microsoft exercises against the whole world, not just in China.
大陸真係乜都假, 除了騙子沒有假....真係...
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/24/2008 08:16:00]假得嚟仲要理直氣壯先絕核!
Yes, it's the action to the whole world. Btw, it's might be the strategy of M$. Perhaps 1 day, google or yahoo (those provide free services) will charge us 1 day. Imagine we have sackful of data in their storage, how can we not pay them, right?
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/24/2008 08:18:00]They do have every right to charge us for the provided services if they want to do so one day.
製造盜版軟件者是罪犯,有意識地購買者是共犯! 現在邊有人去買盜版軟件....全部都係DL番唻.... 連賣老翻的金毛都要轉型~
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/25/2008 11:19:00]對,現在連買老翻都嫌貴,DL更好
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/25/2008 11:21:00]但你不至於話買老翻是天公地道吧!
其實相比製造有毒食物, 呢 d 製造老翻軟件o既人已經好有良心喇
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/25/2008 11:23:00]錯錯錯,「製造有毒食物的人沒有良心」是對,但邏輯上不能返過來說「不製造有毒食物的人就有良心」!
Yes, yes, they definitely have the right to do that. It also imply that the same type of complain will happen again in china. Hope we don't see the scene of 文化大革命 in the future. Btw, the black screen will not cause you losing any data at a moment as long as you have the legitimate source disc. Cheers
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/25/2008 11:26:00]I have no idea what MS did to those Windows. I guess loss if data is just an indirect consequence of the action.
我o既意思係兩者相比o者, 老翻只係謀財, 而毒食物就謀財害命
回覆刪除我個人就認為嚴格監管保障食物安全, 比嚴格監管保障知識產權來得重要
[版主回覆10/26/2008 22:12:00]明白!
--"三聚氰胺"再1次(不是第1次了!)向世界響起警號. ...有個世界末日的預言說, 到時有食物吃不得, 有食水喝不得. 動物吃了而全部死亡, 人類就眼巴巴等死.
回覆刪除--"三聚氰胺"過後, 必定又會有新1波事故的(世界就此毁滅嗎?). 只要中國本質不出現大變, 如此事故總會陸續有來的.
--不久之前中國的溫家寶總理還向世界作保證. 我卻為溫總的咀巴和手掌的將來擔心.
[版主回覆10/28/2008 12:16:00]那些商販沒良心是主因,而中國人「各家自掃門前雪」的觀念也擔當一個重要角色。我總不相信沒有人懷疑過落三聚氰胺會無問題,但偏偏事不關己才讓禍事愈擴愈大!
--香港人批評該國度的人廣泛採用盜版, 是"五十步笑百步"嗎? 不完全是. 我覺得香港人普遍(當然不是全部)是"知錯"的. 只不過因為"君子不吃眼前虧(大家都在用)"和財務不很充裕才用一下.
回覆刪除--可是, 那個國度裡的人普遍認為用盜版是理所當然的, 甚至有"向外國人報復"的歪理(中國納粹主義?!), 更竟然認為反盜版行動是不當行為. 現在連國家機關也發言, 把反盜版形容到近乎是不當行為, 而且說要求版權人"注意"! ...你現在還敢說這個國家不夠強大嗎? 看看它每次(這不是第1次)顛倒是非時的氣燄.
--令人憂慮的是, 如果阿Bill"不識時務", 逆"天朝"意旨而行, 最終可能令他們自己弄出來的新的系統軟件興起, 取代Windows. 到時定會對全世界造成影響. 香港也當然首當其衝. 到時香港人買電腦時就要面對選擇系統軟件的煩腦, 如果選了他們的, 可能還要承擔被政治性間碟程式附隨的風險.
p.s. 小弟已經絕少採用海賊版軟件. 目前我的Windows Vista是"隨機版". 還在用的老番主要是MS Office.
[版主回覆10/28/2008 12:49:00]原來阿爺對盜版是這種態度,這還是第一次知道
其實 Windows 之外已有更平的選擇(Linux),但如果阿爺對盜版有上述的「見解」卻又堅持用 Windows 的話,表示阿爺對 Windows 是不離不棄的。所以就算阿 Bill 不識時務,阿爺都不會弄一個與 Windows 不相容的系統取而代之。這點你似乎擔心得太遠了。
回覆刪除--Linux嘛, 其實8年前我已有聽聞, 也看見有軟件賣, 也知道在中國已經有不少人在用.
--我這類電腦總是初階的使用者, 只會稍為使用, 卻不懂解決電腦問題. 如果用一種唔夠大路的系統, 唔知點搞?!
p.s. 我聽過大部分人把"Linux"讀[lin ˄ ks], 卻聽過有西人讀[lain ˄ ks]. 你那邊的人, 尤其西人, 是怎樣讀這個字呢?
[版主回覆10/29/2008 07:11:00]我同你一樣,部電腦係佢服侍我唔係我服侍佢
我多聽人讀 Lin-nix,但我相信只是地方讀音的變異,沒有所謂正確與否。溝通到才最重要